ENERGY: is a vital ingredient in our everyday life, we depend on it to cook, communicate, transport and power, energy consumption determines development of nations. The world  today measures the standard of living of any nation and the level of its industrialization in terms of the consumption of energy, this is to illustrate the fact that the level of consumption of energy in the sub-Sahara Africa countries is less than 0.08kw per capita as compared with consumption in the developed economy.

NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY: Renewable and alternative energy technology are focused on new sources of energy, cost effective recovery methods, efficiency of use, energy conversion technologies, energy auditing, sustainability of development, environmental and safety consideration and readily availability of energy saving. Insufficient exploration of many energy resources and difficulties in estimating against any real estimation of economical recovery energy reserves.

New technologies in energy include modern techniques and improvement in energy sector  include: solar products options, solar cooker, solar water heater,  solar dryers, solar stills, solar powered vaccine and medicine storage refrigerators, solar powered water pumping systems, solar powered air coolers as well as houses based on passive solar design concept.

Technologies in other renewable energy systems include the development of wind-electricity conversion system, improve wood burning stoves and biogas plants. We may use solar energy for partials supply of domestic heat demand for small scattered consumer, basically in small homes steads and area. Incase your industry/company/home are in need of any solar product: email: Solar process for destruction of hazardous chemicals.


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